Mary, Mother of Martyrs Parish

Spiritual Adoption

"Spiritual adoption" refers to the practice of committing to pray regularly for an unborn child who is considered at risk of abortion, essentially acting as a "spiritual parent" to the child through prayer and intercession, even though their identity remains unknown to the person praying; this is done to advocate for the life of the unborn child.  

In these Spiritual Adoption pamphlets you can find more information as to why we do these Spiritual Adoptions as well as resources that will help you during the nine months of adoption. 

Oath of Spiritual Adoption

Oath of Spiritual Adoption  

This oath is a pledge to pray daily for the life of an unborn child who is at risk of abortion. The oath will be used at the Masses on the kickoff weekend but can be done at home as well.   


I glorify You, Father Almighty, Lord of heaven and earth, for You have hidden things from the mighty and clever but have revealed them to the merest of children. Yes, Father, this was Your gracious will. Most Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God, and all you Angels and Saints, led by a desire to help children in the womb who are in danger of abortion, I, _________________________ undertake by oath to spiritually adopt one child, a child whose name is known only to God. 

I promise to pray every day for my spiritually adopted child or as often as I am able for nine months, to intercede in their behalf that their life may be spared and to obtain for them God’s grace to live a just and holy life.

My prayers may include any one or all of the following prayers for this child: 

My Daily Prayer for My Spiritually Adopted Child 

1 Our Father 

1 Hail Mary 

1 Glory be 


I praise You, Father, and I glorify the Holy Trinity, and I thank you for having heard my prayer. Amen. 


Daily Prayer for

Spiritual Adoption

Daily Prayer


My Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your Blessed Mother Mary, who gave birth to you out of love, and through the intercession of St. Joseph, the man of faith who cared for You after Your birth, I turn to You on behalf of this conceived child who has been spiritually adopted by me and who is threatened by abortion. Please give his/her parents the love and courage to allow their child to remain in the womb and have life, the life that You have given him/her. Amen.

Our Father (1)

Hail Mary (1)

Glory (1) 

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