Mary, Mother of Martyrs Parish
Nature and Purpose of Catechesis
Religious education is the main model used to involve children and adolescents in catechetical formative activities. It is a model directed by the family, especially by the parents, who are primarily responsible for the education of their children's faith. Parents give testimony of Christian life by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, faithfulness and selfless service are the foundations of coexistence.
The purpose of catechesis through religious education is to help children, youth and adults to have an encounter with Jesus Christ, the center and summit of the Christian life. To discover the presence of Jesus Christ in daily life, the catechetical program uses different resources as instruments for their sacramental preparation and on going faith formation. It invites them learn, love and celebrate meaningfully our Catholic faith.
Rev. Fr. David Arcila, Pastor
"The effectiveness of catechesis is and always will be a gift of God, through the operation of the Spirit of the Father and the Son."
General Directory for Catechesis , no. 288