Mary, Mother of Martyrs Parish
As Mary Mother of Martyrs celebrates one year as a united parish, we are excited to design a new church photo directory.
We are looking for volunteers to assist with sign up and for the days of the photo sessions.
Call Susan Dulay Wysocki at 224-392-0481 or the office
if you can help.
You can now schedule your professional photography session at the back of church. Or grab a bilingual flyer by the entrances of church which have the instructions for online scheduling.
The above QR code will bring you to the site to schedule your appointment. If you have any questions, please contact call the office.
Church Code: il320 Password: photos
Photo sessions begin on August 24th.
Note: This is a new company, and they do not have the photos from our 2015 photo directory.
If you would like your photo in this new directory, you will need to schedule an appointment.