Mary, Mother of Martyrs Parish


The Sacristan prepares and oversees the articles and elements required for the Liturgy so that all the members of the worshipping community can take their full, conscious and active part in the liturgical celebration. The sacristan knows the meaning and purpose of the liturgy as well as the needs of the particular liturgical assembly, and works carefully to provide the members with the liturgical items needed for a meaningful, prayerful, and active celebration.

The church building must be opened and lit, cleaned and decorated for the celebration. Bread and wine must be in place, vessels and vestments available, linens in order, seating arrangements made, microphones set, books and candles set out. Just an example of some of the duties that are performed diligently for the celebration of Mass by our Sacristans.

The sacristan carefully arranges the liturgical books, the vestments, and other things necessary in the celebration of Mass. Under the general direction of the clergy, they undertake the overall preparation of liturgical celebrations, including all that is needed for special days such as Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday. The sacristan in harmony with the clergy makes sure that the vestments, church furnishings, liturgical vessels and cermonial objects are kept in good condition.


Heavenly Father, please pour your
blessings on my ministry today. It is
an honor and privilege to serve the
Lord at his table. Please guide my
hands and my steps that I may
fulfill my duties with grace and
devotion. I ask this in the name of
Jesus whom I serve with Joy.

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